Friday, December 4, 2020

How can I enjoy a car camp?

 As a Roof Top Tent Suppliers, tell everyone.

"Camping" simply means that some roads allow you to drive your car directly to the campsite, rather than park and hike further afield; some use campers directly, and some like using Roof Top Car Top Tent. There are even public bathrooms with showers that campers can use on site, so if your car takes these with you, it's easy to go to several different campsites in a week or two, or try longer intensive camping travel.

Roof Top Car Top Tent

Roof Top Car Top Tent

Want to try it? These tips can help you get on the road more easily:

1. Suspend batteries or solar string lights to illuminate your comfortable car sleep at night.

No campfire, no problem: As long as the weather is clear and you can eat something, string lights are all the light you need.

2. Store lighted matches in glass bottles filled with sandpaper.

3. Build a simple platform for your air mattress to stash storage underneath if you car camp frequently.

See more pictures of this traveling Australian surfer's van on Instagram; find a tutorial for building one at home using wood here, one using PVC pipe here, and one for a compact car here.

4. Turn the sheets into privacy curtains by sliding the retaining clips into the gap between the car's plastic and the interior.

Or hang a beautiful tapestry to make it more adorable.

5. Tuck a piece of soap into old pantyhose and tie it to the kettle so everyone can clean their hands.

6. You can also try using cling film, but these operations will be easier when you want to put it back in.

7. Fix the tarpaulin with a bungee rope to form a "door curtain" to cover the rain without covering the door (so you can still smell the rain).

If you close the car, you must eventually open the car to prevent it from overheating or getting cold. So you better not turn off the car.

8. Then use two poles or wooden sticks to support the tarpaulin to form a covered porch so that you can sit down and eat or rest here.

9. Keep the windows open, but it won't break down: Cut the custom magnetic window glass and fix it outside the car.

10. Prevent insects from invading by hanging the mosquito net on the open trunk.

11. Hang your shoes on the intercom, insect repellent spray and essential items such as late night flash.

Our company also sells Air Tent China, welcome to consult.

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